A look into the secret lives of SCRUFFY PUPPIES creator Brent Trembath and the other imaginarians who make SCRUFFY PUPPIES go!
Good question! "I AM" is probably the best answer I can currently give. One can't be properly defined as what they were nor what they will be, and I'm still currently defining myself in my own mind. Until I can truly answer that question (if ever), let me tell you about the 3 divisions here under which I operate:
brENTERTAINMENT is the umbrella under which all my work is done. The name comes from a nickname my friend and colleage, Christopher Georgios (co-writer of Puppet for Painkillers- available on this site) gave me years back.
MAGIZINES is the division under which all my comic books and graphic novels are published under. Named after my sweet dog Magi who passed away back on 12/12/12, the logo bears her paw print in her honor.
Eightfold is the division under which all my literary works are published under (poetry, novels, screenplays, etc.). It is what I originally published Scruffy Puppies under in its original release back in 2007. It is influenced by the Buddhist principle of the Eightfold Path (Right View, Right Intention, Right Action, Right Speech, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfullness and Right Concentration) which I try to emulate in my work.
At this point in my life, I write and draw and tell stories because whenever I drift away from doing that, I'm miserable! That being said, I have things I want to do (15 projects lined up and counting), and I intend to do them. I don't know much else to say on the matter except that many of my stories have elements of truth mixed in with the fiction. Art and life mirror one another, and experiences captured within the stories reflect my experiences and emotional reactions. I feel honored to continue the tradition of story-telling that trails back to the beginnings of mankind. I try to be fearless and uncompromising in my work, although the messages in my work may change and evolve as I do. Thank you for reading!
Although I do most of the work, I have had some collaborators and help over the years in some of the projects. Please allow me to introduce them:
Robert Zailo, Inker, Issue# 5 (Origins)
Robert is an artist of his own right, with extensive work in the independent comic industry. His work can be found at his own website ( and on DeviantArt.
Caleb Montoya, Artist, Issue#'s 8-9
Caleb is an outstanding talent and brilliant artist specializing in character design in the Manga style. I've had the pleasure of watching his work progress from his early days. He does everything from characters to vehicles and backgrounds. Treat yourself to his work at his blog and DeviantArt.
Samantha Florio, Consultant, Issue# 7 (Tragedy)
Sam is an old friend of mine with past published poetry works and a self-proclaimed master of Shakespearean works. When considering doing a book completely in Shakespearean quotes, we sat down with a bottle of wine and bounced through countless quotes. Unfortunately, the book with her poetry is out of print.
Michael Croghan, Webmaster
My cousin the programming wizard. Due to demands on his time, his help is relagated to just hosting for me now-a-days, but he is a high-end programmer responsible for relaunching the merchant websites for Peet's Coffee and 99 Ranch Market.